What is Knowledge Bomb?
Noun - A moment in time where a person's perspective and/or opinion is quickly and forcefully shot down, with or without good reason to do so. Usually the words "knowledge bomb" are spoken just after the incident in a falsetto voice.
Can also be used in verb form (i.e. He just got knowledge bombed, or KB'd).
"I'm trying to raise money for college." -Deb
"Your mom goes to college! Knowledge bomb..." -Kip Dynamite
rapidly imparting a signficant level of comprehension (potentially to a large group of people) with a very few words; related to nuclear bomb re: massive change to the landscape with a small but potent tool
Dude, we were arguing for hours, when Dave dropped a knowledge bomb and shut everyone up in two seconds flat.
the act of completly blowing someones mind with a vast bombardment of information on the subject at hand.
goose man- i think vampires are real.
dylan- vampires are only a figment of the imaginations of people who have built up fear. it all started with the ruthless count vlad dracula aka vlad the impaler.
he was killed for being such an ass. and a few years later where his body was buried there was nothing to be found so it is thought he made a deal with the devil to become immortal and all vampires are his offspirng.
-i jsut blew your mind
^knowledge bomb^