
What is Ko?


1)K.O. as in "knocked Out" can be used in life when someone is unconcious and also appears in fight games when there is a victor and the loser is K.O.

2)the dyslexic way of saying OK.

(I have a dyslexic friend and this is her joke, its not meant to be hurtful or nasty in any way)

PersonA: hey PersonB, u want to go to the movies?

PersonB: ko

PersonA: Im going to knock u out

PersonB: ... *is knocked out*

PersonC: K.O.!


totally intoxicated

unable to stand / speak

short for "knocked out"

that boy drank too much - he's k.o.

See will


1. a knockout

2. to knock someone out

If he manages to KO him every time he'll be braindead pretty soon.

See k.o., koed, knock out, sports


a seriously sexy female. A tragic muse that you can't help but worship.


KO Kick Off The start of a sport involving a ball

The KO time is later today as a Royal event is being televised in the morning.


OKbackwards. Originally from Short Circuit 2 (1988), K.O. Derf is OKFred backwards. Became more common with the rise of chatrooms and IM with people who can't or don't waste time trying to type well.

fred: are you ok?

#5: Functioning 100%. Perfectly K.O., Derf!

fred: it's fred

#5: That's what i said, Derf!

im user 1: i gtg

im user 2: wait bring that cd tomorrow

im user 1: ko durf ttyl


1. A person that is lowly payed and that is a concept artist that works for the game company, Blizzard.

2. A sexykorean male.

"Hey Matt, I heard we got a new ko. Yeah I know! Not now... okay fine... I love you too."

"There were so many kos at the rave party last night, I think I screwed 'em all."


To get layed out cold with a very powerful punch

Mann youd get KO'd if you got in a fight wit me.


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