
What is Kod?


Kiss Of Death; You say someone has The Kiss Of Death when anyone who is associated with her dies, has an accident, or suddenly disappears.

Dude, that girl Lita has KOD... All of her partners suddenly disappeared like a bubble!

See cursed, kiss of death, kod


Short for KING OF DIRT. a dirt jumping competition. Some of the greatest riders compete.

1.) dude did u see the KOD this year?

2.) Ya it was freakin crazy.

3.) ya dude, nyquist threw a double backflip in the finals


abbreviation of Knights of Dalaran, a World of Warcraft guild on Thunderhorn server. A large guild known for pwning world bosses.

Used as a reference to compare with other guilds

My guild will never be the size of KoD. I wish we could raid like KoD.

See pwnage, intense, raiders, goofy, large


Abbreviated for King Of Dorksters. He or she 'leader' or 'person in charge' of a group of dorksters. The King of Dorksters usually have a more 'dorky' characteristic compared to other dorksters in the same & particular group. The King of Dorksters only retires when someone more 'silly', 'foolish' and 'lame' successfully challenges with the current KOD by having more 'dorky' characteristic than the current KOD.

A conversation between Person A and Person B.

Person A: My ambition is to become the KOD!!!

Person B: LMAO, in your dreams dude. You are 100 years not silly enought to become one.

See dorky, dork, silly, stupid, orky


A wrinkly old man's penis

yo, jack has a fucking kod

man ur fingers look like kods


Short name for Knights of Darkness.

(Pronounced Kay oh Dee)

Hey, you should play KoD.


Kods: extremely small testicles (size and shape of raisins)

Not only does he have a tootsie roll dick, he has kods to boot

See Shower Stalker


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