What is Kona?
A bicycle design and manufacturing company from Vancouver. Named after the Hawaiian island of Kona. They are responsible for some of the best-riding mountain bikes ever made.
My Kona Cinder Cone is a singlespeed real-steel-deal.
best damn bikes in the world. bitch
I ride a fucking sweet ass kona blast.
responsible for the sweetest bikes eva
my kona shred kicks ass
A Well respected bicycle company based out of Vancuver, and named after the Island of Kona. Their bikes range from choppers, to dirtjumpers, to single speeds, all the way to mondo downhill rides, all idolized by the bikers who can and can't offord them.
*Dude, did you see that new Kona Cowan?
*I just pulled off a mile lond manual on my new Kona!
*Kona beats the shit out of Specialized.
hahahaha, to the dumb fuck that said that kona is an island, kona is a town on the WEST SIDE of the Big Island of Hawaii. It is the dopest place to be. Parts of it are pretty rough, like La'ilani and Queen Liliuokalani neighborhoods.
-like go kona town brah?
A really expensive, really damned tasty coffee grown in Kona, Hawaii. Price as of March 2008 is $60/pound ($130/kilogram).
I'd drink Kona coffee all the time if I could afford it.
The best bikes ever made
Kona Chute, Kona Stab