
What is Kookies?


Makes Mehmets go crazy. Like seriously, don't mention the word "kookies" in the presence of a Turkish males known as "Mehmet". If kept from kookies, a Mehmet is likely to explode into an extreme rage, similar to that of Schnoorlax when awaken.

Mehmet: Dem be kookies?

You: Yah.

Mehmet: Me want kookies!! NOM NOM NOM!

See mehmet, kookies, cookies, turkish, crazy


A term used by Vash, Ultra Cookies

E-kookies can kill someone.

See Vash


Not Cookies, can mean exstacy or that crap the cookie mosnters eats!

Yo you have some Kookies?

See kookies, e, cookies, sarah, crazy


A type of food. Originated from Hong Kong. It has a very unique taste to it. Although it has many flavours, the most popular ones are caramel and strawberry.

I love the kookies you baked me

See m.c.


A food invented by Vash. Ingredients include: Amphetomines, Listerine, Windex, Toothepaste, Soap, More Windex, Paper, Some Copper Stuff With A Long Name, Gadifgergifger, Crack, Butt Crack, Pot, Soda Pot, Ass-Meats, and Sugar.

These Kookies are f***ing delicious. My Tummy hurts. Why are there fish in the sky?


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