
What is Koonjo?


Koonjo is a "magical potion" invented by inuits to get high at a low cost. It consists of gasoline, whole cigarettes and bugs (earwigs for better quality, but sometimes it is cut with lower grade/ easier to find insects like ants or spiders). The ingredients are then mixed and crushed togheter in a skillet pot. Koonjo is usually sold in test tubes or other containers by portions of 1, 10 or 100 milliliters. A hit of koonjo (1ml) costs usually around 5¢, but it is subject to change because of current high gas prices. This inuit-made drug is usually left to dry before it is smoked, snorted or, in rare cases, ingested. In parts of Northen Quebec, koonjo is becoming a big concern because of it's low price and easy accessibility. The biggest problem for authorities is that koonjo is not technically an illegal drug. Koonjo is said to be highly addictive.

Rapper Lil Kutanakufrom Iqualuit has been know to smoke koonjo for inspiration and even raps about it in some of his songs.

See koonjo, inuit


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