What is Korgoth The Krab Keeper?



Also known as "Korgoth The Krab Keeper," is the original Emperor Of the Volcanus lands, also known as pridelands. He started the epic tale of snorkeling at the Cove and partaking in various nautical pastimes, while most teenagers and youngsters ridiculed the snorkeling sport, he brought it to a serious professional level. Now humans all around are trying to become part of this enchanting experience, when only true hardcore believers in the "Cobra Strike" may enchant the pridelands with their presence.

Nautical sports Korgoth has invented are:

1.Fish Punching

2.Giant Vagina Cave Inhabiting

3ab Keeping

Korgoth The Krab Keeper makes frequent appearances to the Volcanus Lands equipped with his underwater breathing apparatus and Level 61 Mermaid Feet. Be advised, he does not take kindly to homosexual looking men wearing speedos that run into him by accident without apology. Korgoth has been known to punch people in the chest very hard, and even worse, he may summon the most evil crabs of Emperor Island to attack his enemy.

Korgoth the Krab Keeper caught a crab, valliantly tied a long sea grass strand to it, and subdued the creature; Only to walk it as his own pet seconds later in front of angered lifeguards and animal rights activists.

See ruler, emperor, volcanus, bad ass


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