
What is Korn?


The Godfathers of Nu-Metal. Inspired by 80's metal. Now copied by a bunch of poser bands. WTF. Even Metallica tried to copy their sound in St.Anger with sucked horribly but Metallica is still the greatest band. Korn is one of the few bands were are not completely controlled by the record producers.

And fuck, what the hell are u guys talking about.... Only goths listen to Korn? sTfu.

Quote They use "studio magic" to make it sound good at all. Have you been to a live show. The effects and vocals are all done themselves and sound exactly like the CD's

They were the first band to come out with that sound and were copied by crappy bands and put in a bunch of dumb catagories and had lots of good songs and albums and are now bashed by a bunch of fagots.

They have lots of respect from bands in the metal scene and u guys should f off

Lars Ulrich:I have so much respect for those guys, to them we are their peers(mtv icon metallica)


Carved into at least 90% of desks in Junior High Schools across the country. Backwards "R" mandatory.

"koRn is an accurate representation of the the agnst I feel as a white, susburban 13 year old" *carve, carve*


The band who pioneered the genre known as nu-metal. Like other musical pioneeres, such as Sex Pistolsor Nirvana, they started out as a small garage band until their original, unique sound was discovered. Hated by poptartsand thrashers alike (Too heavy for poptarts, too progfor thrashers), they have nonetheless become quite popular. Most nu-metalbands are trying to emulate their sound, for example, Slipknot, and some were even originally signed by Korn, for example, Limp Bizkit.

Korn have a unique guitar sound caused by almost alarmingly loose strings. They fuse elements of grunge, punk, heavy metal, speed metal, folk music and hip-hop into their numbers. The band had 5 founding members:

Jonathan Davis - The frontman, singer and bagpiper. An American Scot whose heritage has led to use of bagpipes in the music and wearing of a kilt.

Fieldy - An unfortunately poor bass player.

Munky - A quite impressive lead guitarist.

Head - The rhythm guitarist. He has now, to the dismay of fans, left the band to use his music to propagate Christianity. (If you ask me, Christianity is doing just fine, but to each his own.)

David Silveria - The drummer, and a very talented one at that. When he auditioned to Head, Munky and Fieldy, he was mocked because he was so young; his skill impressed them to the extent that he was immediately accepted.

Korn have sold outmore than once, and the result has been some godawful albums. They have, in the past, realised the error in their ways and returned to their roots.

Korn fan: It's a pity Head left Korn, isn't it?

Thrasher/Poptart: No. They suck.


I am avoiding the argument about Korn's musical quality.


Innovators of the heavy metal subgenre we now know as nu-metalor aggro-rock. Korn currently consist of 4 members now that rhythm guitarist Head has departed the band; Jonathan Davis, a great frontman and talented vocalist, Munky, a rather average guitarist (along with Head), Fieldy, a pretty slick bassist who greatly defines the band's sound, and Dave Silveria, an underrated and highly talented drummer. KoRn is known for their heavy sound, low-tuned guitars and dark themes and humour.

KoRn has many devoted fans around the world who love them for the music, not because of some poseur teen-angst image complex. It is because of these poseurs that many people hate KoRn, basing their opinion on the fact that many people who like the band shop at Hot Topic and suck at life, so the band must suck too. In reality, KoRn are respected by musicians as innovators, and famous because their sound simply kicks ass. KoRn acknowledges the fact that their recent albums have been sub-par due to wiggerismand promises to return to their roots in their next album. Hey, at least they admit it and learn from it, unlike some bands who use the phrase "people don't like it just because it's different" as an excuse for their crapiness.

In conclusion, you don't have to like KoRn... just don't hate on them for stupid reasons. A lot of people think "real" metal bands like Iron Maiden and Lamb of God suck too, so keep that in mind when you bash them.

KoRn may not be the most technical band out there, but they are original and talented.


The Best nu-metal band in the whole fuckin' world, ne1 out there who slags them off needs to die and come back as something useful.

wow korn rule their lyrics rock! and the tune is excellent!


A band from blakersfeild californian. they stared in about 1993 and their first album simply titled Korn was released in 1994. Four years later korn reached mainstream fame with the release of "follow the leader" which debuded #1 and has sold 5 million copies in the U.S. alone. after that korn slowly lost popularity but they still have some die hard fans. As for korn's music's it FUCKING KICKS ASS! No on had heard anything like it before. the low sounds and jagged vocals are beyond comparisson. Korn has also brought along other bands like Limp Bizkit and Orgy. But of course you probly hate korn and the entire nu metal gerne. so let me say this. if you wanna hate somthing why Nu metal? it was only in the main stream for like a year. now its shrunk considerably. so whats the bigger threat to the music you like. a couple of nu metal groups or the main stream garbage that you see on MTV every fuckin day.

Kid one: what r u listening to?

Kid two: KORN!

Kid one: Fuck yeah!


Best Damn nu-rock band out there need I say more?

And they even pay respect to the older bands who make rock today possible.~Link doing a re-do of Pink Floyd's Another Brick In The Wall


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