
What is Kosova?


A new country in the Balkan Peninsula. Declared Independence from serbia on February 17, 2008, after many many years of fighting against fucking serbia.

Kosova is the greatest country alive with the greatest people, except for the serbian asses who wont leave and think that Kosova is serbian....haha stupid idiots.

See kosova, amazing, kosovo, albania, uck, kla, shqipe


A wannabe-country,Kosova is located southwest of Balkans bordered with Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. Populated with Albanians who make 90% of the population, a fact that dates back hundreds of years in history. It is a region which Albanians have always fought to free from the oppression of Serbia which desperately wants this strategic, naturally-enriched and demographically favorable region under its control. Finally, the century-long Serbian rule came to an end in 1999 with the war led by Slobodan Milosevic, (who is now seated in Hague Tribunal for genocide), which ended up with 10.000 Kosova Albanians murdered and a 70-day-long NATO air-strikes over Yugoslavia as the only means of preventing further deterioration of the war. Ever since, Kosova is free of Serbia, with the latter being forced to withdraw its army and completely detach from the Kosovar reality, at least for a short period of time.

Right now, Kosova is a protectorate of United Nations (UNMIK) and international talks on its political status are due somewhere at the end of the year 2005. Belgrade still endeavors to be part of the political life in Kosova, and considerably affect it, by installing various political mechanisms throughout the scattered Serbian enclaves throughout Kosova. However, the reality seems to be different and these efforts are not only weakening the position of Serbs actually living in Kosova but Serbia is also facing a gradual estrangement from Kosova as the future seems to tend towards Albanians, which is independence, and not Serbs*, who wish for a oppression. The international community seems to be showing sympathy with Serbia, while it loses Kosova, but none are able to shun the enormity of the people's will in Kosova who have become extremely vulnerable to whatever attempt not to consider their historic want, independence.

* The term includes only those who opt for a Milosevic-like and/or whatever other attitude which fails to recognize Albanians and Kosova as independent.

Albanians distinguish with their tradition and culture. Their glorious history is marred by numerous wars waged by their neighbor countries which always wanted to take a piece of this region. Sharing the very same tradition, culture and history, Kosova and Albania have always served as fodder for vicious enemies surrounding them. Nevertheless, justice seems to have been served and now they both are free and growing as free countries.


the proper, albanian word for kosovo

kosovo is just a word the rest of the world uses

for example ENGLAND is the word english speaking people use. other countries use different words.

and to all you hating racist people that seem to hate kosovo so much, stop and think. The only reason that "kosovans are beggars that take refuge in other countries" is because of all the serbians. if none of that bullshit happened then there wouldnt be such a problem. so stop hating on the kosovans and start hating on serbians.

AND all those dumb-ass people who say kosovans caused the violence can go and jump off a cliff. being a kosovan and having kosovan parents who lived through the problems i know the truth and so does every other kosovan. Milosejvic tried to wipe out everything to do with the true kosvo and albanian. they 1) tried to stop us speaking albanian or 2) they would close every school in kosovo. being the die-hard patriots we are we chose option 1.

AND also every kosovan knows that the crisis in kosova started well before it was on the news.

Dont get me wrong i have nothing against SERBIA

its YUGOSLAVIA that i hate.

but some serbians seem to be confused and hate kosovans, forgetting that they are serbian now, not yugoslavian.

Also, i think that Serbia and Kosova have the best family values these days. i would prefer seeing cousins and family rather than seeing friends. because i can have all the fun but with my family!!

so to all you kosovan hater and confused serbians..........

Mbylle gojen!!

Racist english person who cant accept kosova's difficult history but is starting to understand the truth: "stop comin in our country, even though you havent done anything wrong, even though i claim you use our money when actually you are forced to live in poor quality council flats and have old Volkswagen Golfs instead of our snazzy mercedes and bmws..."

See kosovo, kosova, serbia, yugoslavia, confusion, the truth


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