What is Krogoth?
Krogoth is actually the unit from a popular Chris Tailor's
Only availible in the expansion set "The
As well as all other units in the game, the Krogoth can be destroyed by a single blow from a
"That thing... That KROGOTH in unstoppable!"
"It takes 7 nukes to put a KROGOTH down"
"Oh my God! He built a KROGOTH!"
"I am going to D-gun that Krogoth there!"
Your ultimate demise.
When the Core in Total Annhilation have built enough forces and resources to finally construct this unit, the Krogoth, you're
raped cuz it's nearly indestructable.
When you discover your lady has an unusually large clitoris...this is no longer known as her clitoris...but her KROGOTH
That bitch had a Krogoth...shit looked like a baby toe.