What is Ktown?
a common type of marijuana found in kcmo/kck. Light green in color, and has a visible amount of thc crystals on it. It is usually placed in the mid-grade category.
Let Me Go Get A Quarter Of That kTown To Smoke.
Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Home of Queen's University, and nearly 100 prisons.
Yo, are you in Ktown this weekend? Don't get stabbed.
A word describing the repulsive town of kearny new jersey. A place where you will find nothing but potheads that do nothing but waste away in dirtbag parks. You will see mad dirtbags such a JUMPOFF JOSH, the michael jackson lookalike that walks ass if there is a banana up his asshole. You may also find girls that do nothing but drink massive amounts of alcohol because they have nothing better to do with there time. They repulsivly use the word herb. And many of residential teenagers think they are living in the hood. It'd be cool if someone reassured them that they do not.
is Kissimmee, FLorida
I wanna go to ktown florida mom.