
What is Kubrick?


1) One of the most respected, revered and influential filmmakers in motion picture history (ref. a multitude of Simpsonsreferences for just one example). Kubrick's films looked and sounded unlike anyone else's. He quickly evolved in the 1960s from an A-list Hollywood director and respectable craftsman to a master auteur, responsible for thematically, technically and aesthetically groundbreaking work.

Some of his later films (underservedly) reached fewer people when audiences could no longer keep up with his thematic explorations of the failures of Western civilization.

2) A really bizarre and eclectic collection of plastic toys and figurines from Japan, so named for no known reason. Sold at Giant Robot stores and other internet hipster-toy merchants, etc.

Kubrick is not for the intellectually challenged or those weaned on Bruckheimer trash.


The greatest film maker in history... No more to be said.

Stanley Kubrick is god...



Referenced from Stanley Kubrick's 2001:

An oafish, neanderthalian man, usually abnormally hairy with crude features.

Damn Kiki, I can't believe you're talking to that guy...he's so kubrick!

See kubrick, 2001, neanderthal, oaf, barbaric


the only filmmaker I have ever seen who's films are either brlliant (A Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket) or crap (2001: A Space Oddyssey, The Shining). the only way to get 2001 is if you read the novel, and the shining is so differant from the source material that it ruins much of the atmosphere.

kubrick: " o crap, i forgot to film the expositional scenes! o well this picture of a monkey staring at a block is pretty self explanatory. as is the giant baby from nowhere!"

See Sarge


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