
What is Kukupapa?


Modern hawaiian for an adult male that has the behavioral traits and common sense equal to or less than the children he fathered. Kukupapas are obsessively pre-occupied with female breasts and butt sex. Offspring of a kukupapa and kakamama mating are known as pupukakas. A Kukupapa is commonly found spending all the family's limited money on expensive electronics to give to the pupukakas, which will lose or break such within 30 days or less. Kukupapas routinely "improve" expensive household items by dismantling them inventing new things with them - often resulting in fire.

Poor Tracy, she didnt know he was a kukupapa until he took the new microwave apart to make a remote control anal bead warmer out of it.

See deadbeat dad, moron, twit, idiot, a.d.d.


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