
What is Kuljit?


KULJIT is the most popular 11382.nd name in USA. One in every 175,551 Americans are named as KULJIT and popularity of name KULJIT is 5.7 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of KULJIT to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of April.05.2009 23:06 there are 1,745 people named as KULJIT in the United States and the number of KULJIT's are increasing by 15 people every year.

Usage of kuljit as a first name is extremely more common than its usage as a middle name.

The sum of alphabetical order of letters in KULJIT is 83 and this makes KULJIT arithmetic buddies with words like Negative, Tactful, Discreet, Brawny, Faithful, Creative, Hopeful, Pleasing, Sassy, Winner, Smiling, Splendid

Moron: So Kuljit, what are you mexican?

Kuljit: No i'm a terroritst you dumbshit

See awesome, winner, family, indian, weirdo


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