La Sorella's

What is La Sorella's?


2 girls refered to as CC and PP, brought together 20 years into their lives to find out that they are identicle. Both full blown guidettes and go around with attitude. Can do a nasty fist pump and can do it with style. Both have some hate towards a bridge that seperates the both of them. Always got shit to say but have huge hearts. Both goodlooking and stops every guy in their tracks. Will speak italian to curse off any fucker, or "foker" they see. One now talks more Ny, and the other is turning into a Jersey Girl. No distance will seperate these 2 and one will not sleep knowing that the other one cant. They love button downs and the smell of aqua di gio. if your goodlooking and walk up to them, expect a scream of "waawaa!"

La sorella's: from a different life brought together in this one to raise hell.. goodluck boys,better be brothers cause these 2 want the same last name.

See cc, pp, wawa, goodlooking, jersey


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