
What is Label?


Something you put on jars. Not on people

That has Label says the Jar has apples in it.


What is with all the labels nowdays?? Its like u cant like avril lavigne and not be called a poser, u cant like taking back sunday and not become "emo", u cant like evanescence and not be called a goth. People can like what they want, dress how they want, look how they want to look and like whatever music they like the sound of. U can like 50 cent AND still like evanescense, of course most halfwits would call u a poser if u did do that but who gives a fuck?? also u would be highly discriminated against by most teenagers and would become a freak in ur "cilque", but u like what u like, just because people dress head to toe in black DOES NOT mean that theyre goth, they could have the same musical tatse as say, the cheerleading prep who comes to school head to toe in bright bold pink. Teenagers these days r being so dumb. By labelling themselves and joining a certain "clique" they think theyre opening the doors to a new way of seeing life when really they are just restricting themselves in musical tastes among with many other things.

Any teenager who likes blink 182, britney spears, Avril Lavigne, Maralin Manson, Taking Back sunday, Usher, Christina Aguleria and 50 cent all at the same time should be respected for not caring what others think or say about them.

Thumbs down this defenition all u like


a title given to someone who is blatently trying to fit in with one of the stereotypical high school "cliques". usually the label is justifiable though, since they are trying to fit in with other people who are obviously confused about who they really are.

Don't wanna be labeled? Try dressing and thinking for yourself.

See scum fuck


1. (noun) Something teenagers claim to hate but quickly slap on themselves then advertised to other teens who are too busy contemplating themselves to care about anyone else.

2. (verb) The act of labelling someone, usually when the labelled doesn't want to be labelled.

1. UGH! I HATE labels, SO BAD. Everyone calls me a prep!! AHH!! Oh, by the way! Check out me new bracelet! I am so damn original!!

2. Don't you label ME!! How dare you!!

See Shameless Plug


Something placed most commonly on soup cans. Also found on: jars, bottles, tins, crisps, things that are not people.

Goth, emo, greb, greebo, sk8r, punk, chav, prep, poser.


a label...a word given to someone based on who they are, what they like, or their appearance. someone who is in a punk band is a punk and therefore shouldn't even consider liking the girl that is more into sports. labeling is a way of making everyone fit into a group, but what it really does is leave everyone out.


A word most teenagers don't know what it means. The real definition is "a descriptive term; an epithet."

An epithet, for those of you who don't know, is "A term used to characterize a person or thing, such as rosy-fingered in rosy-fingered dawn or the Great in Catherine the Great.

A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln.

An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase."

Now look closely at the sentence, "An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase." Isn't that what labels really are?

Labels characterize people. Most people today think labels are basically cliques of people, but it's not. You can hang out with whoever you want, and still be considered a certain label. I dunno about you, but if you would just be yourself, a descriptive term would come up; (otherwise known as a label) INDIVIDUAL! You can't get away from labels. They're a part of life. Deal with it.


Deal with it if someone calls you a prep or a nerd. Take it as a compliment and still be yourself. If you want to talk about this, IM me on AIM at ccglasses19.

See C.C.


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