What is Lacrosse Vs. Baseball?


the biggest argument since Brown vs. The Board of Education

lacrosse guy: lacrosse is the best sport, baseballs for pussies

baseball guy: no baseball kicks so much ass, lacrosse is gay

lacrosse guy: YOURE GAY

baseball guy: NO YOURE GAY

(fag slangdefine is making me say lacrosse vs. baseball in the example so lacrosse vs. baseball there you go)

See lacrosse, baseball, sport, argument


an argument between men playing lacrosse and baseball trying to determine which sport is better.

it is usually never decided because baseball players try to end the conversation instead of admiting that lacrosse is better

Lp: why dont you play lacrosse?

Bp: Because baserball is better

Lp: You mean you cant get hit

Bp: Look i gotta go, i have practice

lacrosse vs. baseball

... it has been proven that lacrosse is and always will be better than baseball ever is

See lacrosse, baseball, vs, sport


An argument between baseball and lacrosse players. Generally decided by questions regarding, Which sport takes more skill? Which sport takes more coordination?

Generally not decided by: which game is more rad? Which game depends more on your hairstyle or your sick flow?

The argument is thus usually won by baseball players. Because as a general rule, all lacrosse players started out playing baseball, failed miserably and started playing lacrosse. No baseball players have ever played lacrosse...because they never needed to play lacrosse...because they were good at baseball in the first place.

lacrosse vs. baseball

BP: Why dont you play baseball?

LP: Because I couldn't hit a baseball in little league.

BP: Oh, that sucks.

LP: Why don't you try playing the sickest game on two feet?

BP: What's that?

LP: Lacrosse Broseph!!!

BP: Um, I don't need to. I'm good at baseball.

LP: Oh. Have fun doing what I can't do.

See lacrosse, baseball, flow, rad, frat, frat matress


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