What is Laep?
Laep,A mythial creature that lives in the marshland near rivers of the East Midlands of the UK rarely seen, althought said to look like a cross between a dog and porcupine with human blood.
Laepi,Plural form
Laepist, to be offensive about Leaps
Laeper, a Laep hunter/spotter
Laeping, to hunt/spot Laeps
Did you hear what happened to Tom at the weekend? He went Laeaping and said he found a Laep.
liam allen eats poo
originating from his breath smelling of shit hence caused by eating it.
liam allen is a fat greasy smelly bastard and eats poo
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1.(noun)After having doing a girl up the but you decide to piss in her ass resulting in an awesome gumanation.
2. (verb) too pee in a g..