What is Lahiho?
It is a entity that contains a ungodly ammount of own, pwnage and beast like skills, It symoblizes uncharted ammounts of pure ownage. It's uber micro is beyond comprehension. It is rumoured it is natural for a Lahiho to be 'Inverted'. Not a lot is known about a Lahiho, merely that they own, and possibly own a pet moose, who is also believed to leet, and is the heart of Lahiho's affection.
Person1: Oh my god have you seen Lewis play Call of Duty?
Person2: No, why?
Person1: He is immense, he's like some sort of Lahiho!
The legendary Lahiho indeed enjoys sexy bum sex.
Yazoomafroo:Can I have sexy bum sex plox?
Lahiho:Yes you can, when do you want me to book you in?