What is Laifuita?
Laughing as I fuck you in the ass.
Similar to
Pony Boy: laifuita
Fucklife: lafluida. Hey Karen, wanna make some apple butter? We can start by skraping my taint and bare spot, because as everyone knows, I have no balls and am wasting my life with a ridiculous, conflicted tease who would rather take satisphaction from leading someone down a dark and windy road of celibacy than engage in the most basic, necessary functions of life. Fucking for christ sake. I'M NEVIR GETING LADE!!! WHERE'S MY KOOKING SHOW!!
Shitwad: la-looooooool!!
Pony Boy: ¡VIVE LA LOL!
Shitwad: ho-HUH!
Pony Boy: GTFOH!