Lakewood Middle

What is Lakewood Middle?


A middle school located in Overland Park, KS (a suburb of Kansas City) in Johnson County. The cougars, known for its corrupt authorities( mainly the principal and Assistant principal who take it up the ass) A place where everyone cares about shit that doesn't matter- and rumours are spread faster then a kid can spend a quarter. You cant get away with anything in Johnson County.

heres the basic layout

6th Grade- They get smaller every year. And the population increases every year. They're way too cocky, and deserve to get beat down. They're joined in a lot of the lower school organizations.

7th Grade- A little more mature, but they are pretty much consisted of odd balls that stick together. Not much of categories here. Some of these kids are pretty cool.

8th Grade- probably the only cool grade, made up of some pretty cool kids, who have their own groups of friends- but still are friends with others.

* Take note before reading below- In our school Popular doesn't mean if everyone knows you, it means if people like you.

Jocks- Most of the jocks are all good,not as gay as other schools. Give chances once you get to know them. But they get cool. Sometimes they get cocky, which is annoying as hell. And they steal the bitches, which gets them more cocky. Thats when they deserve to die.

Most of them were on the A football team, but the A team completely sucked compared to the B team.

Popular Chicks- Most of them are actually really nice, oh yeah and hot. They're cool to talk to and surprisingly actually understand you most of the time. Really supportive. Theyre too much into the jocks though, and guys from other schools, but thats starting to change.

Metalheads/Rockers: Probably the group with the best sense of humor, made up of some hella funny kids with good taste in music(It's hard to find that anymore). Sadly, from time to time are accused of being druggies, which sucks, cause Druggies cant get bitches. The most trustworthy group, who usually make friends with everyone. Laidback and calm, but the best to chill with if you dont wana go and bulk up on steriods and go and play football.

Preps- Pretty cool people. Aren't like other preps from different schools at all. They have traits from Jocks, without the cocky stuff, and some traits from the rockers. They listen to rock and hip hop, and are actually cool people. People that understand, and are awesome to hang out with. Combine good with the rockers.

Less Popular- The nerds, some of them are intelligent, some of them arent. Dont have too much of a social life, but arent that bad of people.

Fags/ Losers- Have very few friends, and no social life what so ever. Usually obsessed with things like Star Wars, and aren't cool at all. Worst group, who have nothing in common with anything but themselves. Ty has recently been such a fag hes been put into this group.

Black People- Not too many, but most of them are cool. Hang out with different people, even though they listen to different music.

Mr Currier- The principal. He takes it up the bum, and takes the smallest situation and turns it into the biggest. I wish he wasn't so gay, and maybe school would be a pretty cool place.

6th grade teachers- Not cool teachers. Theyre weird. Enough said.

7th grade teachers- Baker and Peterson are cool, but Mrs Satariano is more than enough hell to take away all the fun of all 7th grade.

8th grade teachers- some are Kinda boring, but they're cool. All of them are girls..

Lakewood Middle School is the skool I go to, sometimes its awesome, other times its hell...

See lakewood, cougars


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