What is Land Party?
A misnomer commonly heard from un-hip parents and those of impaired hearing, stemming from the phrase "LAN party," where LAN stands for "Local Area Network." They often feature pizza and stimulants, such as sugar, caffeine, and guarana, can last upwards of 40 hours, and frequently cause participants to be dead to the world for a day or two afterward. See also:
Dad: "You kids all ready for your LAND PARTY tonight?"
Kids: <roll their eyes>
Dad: "What?"
Kids: "Hahaha, right, dad. We're ready off the LAND party. Just let me grab a CAND of coke, MAND. Are we taking the car or the VAND?"
A computer party where people bring their own computer and moniter and link them up to play war games. Land parties usually involve lots of caffeine (and snacks) to be able to stay up all night. It usually ends up being a sleepover.
My older brother and his friends like to geek it out to the max and have a Land party while my parents are outta town.
A computer party where everyone byo's their own computers and you link them up to play war games. These parties are usually accompanied by some sort of mind altering drug such as
Hey lets
score and have a Land Party tomorrow night. Its gunna be a bender, call they guys and tell them it'sbyo everything.