What is Language?
device invented to hide our thoughts
example: ".....?" - "....!"
A way of
Language consists of
There were once easily ten-thousand or more human languages in the world, but humans, through
Also what your mother says to you if there is an especially
Th'ann mòran gun dèanainn ri sabhail mo Ghàidhlig ghaolach à marbhadh. Tha 'n iomadachd ar saoghal is a dualchais, a-cheana fann beagan, an cunnart de dol às, tha i 'nochdadh. Tha fhios againn air na beathaichean 's lusan an cunnart a-cheana; dè mu na cànanan 's dualchais choimheacha, bhàrdaile?
(There's much that I would do to save my darling
Gaelic from dying. The diversity of our world and herculture s, already a little frail, is in danger of extinction, it is appearing. We know about the endangeredanimal s andplant s already; What about theexotic ,poetic languages and cultures?)
"Don't watch this show, honey; it has language in it!"
And what is that supposed to mean? Of coarse there's language in it! Don't you mean "there's bad language in it" or something along those lines?
What your mother claims movies she doesn't want you to see has too much of. see
"Oh honey, you can't watch that! It has language!"