Last Call

What is Last Call?


when the assholes at the bar stop selling beer.


(N.) Anti-Weed. It's usually when it's time for Bartenders to close things up, but it's more recently a crap show hosted by America Youth's Massive Tool, Carson Daly. Is this really something to keep you awake at 1:35 am? It'll put to sleep faster than a Saturday Night Live Movie.

Last Call with Carson Daly tonight had Carmen Electra, Kermit the Frog, 50 Cent, and Godzilla on. And after a double weed dose, I STILL fell asleep!


A crappy show hosted by Carson Daly that my friends and I have renamed "Tool Time". The show sucks!

Me: "What the fuck are you watching."

Unknowing friend: "Last Call with Carson Daly"

Me: "You mean Tool time?"


worst late night talk show ever, even worse than Chevy Chase's old show

See Alex


Hitting the girl you are with in the back of the head with the butt end of one of the Buck Hunter guns at a bar, knocking her out.

"When was the last time you had sex?"

"Does me last calling that chick last night count..."


"Then I don't know, haha."

See asshole, domestic, bar, drunk


A person so homely they are only hit-on after last call.

"Jason is so desperate, he's trying to pick-up that last call at the end of the bar!"

See sidewalk sale, ugly, fugly, frumpy, pig, dog


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