Last Supper

What is Last Supper?


When a girl gives you head...and then you kill her

Mark gave Jannet the last supper the other day, bitch was asking for it.

See last supper, blow job, murder, funny, sick


The last supper is when you break up with a guy who unfortunately if amazing at oral sex but a flop in so many other ways,, but you get one more paralyzing bout of oral sex before you tell him its over..of course you also do not fuck him..thats just wrong and selfish...maybe

Yah i had to let Jay go last night but i made sure he had a last supper on my bill..hey hes talented..

See supper, oral, wrong, sex


Great Movie about a bunch of Liberals living together. From what I

recall about the movie I shall compose the Greatest Definition.

Please forgive my lasps in recalling the lesser details of the movie as this is the basic jist of it all

Movie starts with a typical rich kid named Pete getting picked up by

typical neo-nazi with commedations from former military service to

America. :) Typical lover of his country, and natually southern, he

hates all things places and people not pale and angry.

Rich Kid Pete invites the nazi to dinner, where his Liberal friends,

Luke, Marc, Jude, and Paulie are, and he goes all crazy and bigoted, or

normal as nazi standards go. He then holds a Jew (Marc) hostage to make

his point, meanwhilst explaining "liberals r floppyarm sissie they

don't do nuthin'"(to paraphrase), which later on the group decides, is

the Most Intelligent Thing Said EVER, and guides the rest of their

lives. Then, Rich Kid, the Arguably most conservative of the group

(centrist,whatever) intervenes and tries to intimidate the Fascist with

a weapon. After this he breaks the rich kid's arm as is predicted. So,

the Jewish guy comes and stabs him to death. So it begins.

The left-wing household decide to kill conservatives if they disagree

with them by poison, which they do former, and they do latter. The

first is a reverend who explains to them that the AIDS epidemic is

greatly a consequence of promiscuous homosexual sex between multiple

partners. Realizing there is absolutely no logic whatsoever in that

statement, they poison him to make the world a better place. The next

deserving victim is a chauvinist who believes that he should be able to

rape people. Their ideal liberal world cannot tolerate such

conservatism so, they kill him because this is well-known Right Wing

doctrine, adding so much more to the satirical point of the story. After

that a cop comes asking about a missing person, then the story resumes.

Another point for a better world is won in the death of an

anti-abortionist. To paraphrase the encounter: After hearing her

incredibly preposterous, bigoted argument, that Being that abortion of

the unborn makings of a human being dehumanizes people to the respect,

treatment, and/or very definition of human life, in the mere exchange

for a worriless consequence-free status quo in ones existence is a

dangerously evil proposition, they decide this fool must die, so they

kill her to raise delicious tomatoes. (Paraphrase) The cops then find

Pete's car or something, which had a gun in it. He has a time

explaining to them why a "so-far-left" liberal owns a murderstick, then

the story resumes, if I do recall.

The next guest is an irate Black Muslim of the loving, sensible, Malcom

X, Huey P. variety. His hatred of other religions and races is no

longer tolerable to the sophisticated group's liberal "better world"

agenda since it had past its expiration date in 1975. So they decide to

purge themselves of this blemish to " like, grow some flowers

maaaaaan." Shortly afterwards they take out a man that hates homeless

people and doesn't do anything but sit at home complaining about how

lame the world is, coming up with elaborate, ego-stroking hate-led

schemes that will somehow improve the future, instead of doing anything

substantial. Realizing he is potentially easy to swag to their side

with some firm discussion, they get nervous and poison him. Next they

murder a man who is too caught up with his life to care about spotted

owls or CO2 emissions. An evolutionist, his cold, yet somehow sensible

logic is overpowered by their murderous wrathful love for animal's

complex feelings. They take him out.

Ater that some cops do some stuff, shortly after a female sheriff stops

by, and they decide to stab a librarian until she dies because she

didn't think "Catcher in the Rye", a profanity-filled book about a

prostute-soliciting insane person that wants to save children by

catching them unsupervised in a grainfield, is not the best book ever

written. After this, they invite a young woman named Erin to the house

who believes that family values such as having a "nuclear family" with

family values is more important than learning about using condoms when

committing to fornication in school. Shes as good as dead until one of

them has an illogical thought and lets her get away. Then Jude kills

the Privacy-Hating Orwellian sheriff for snooping around their "special


After that some of the group find the future President of America, Dr.

Arbuthnot, who is basically Bill O'Reilly satired, and invite him to

dinner. Not long after they almost shoot each other because the force

is strong with him. He then poisons them all and fulfills his

destiny of becoming President and starting WW3. Ironic? You decide! The End. Apologies for sp errors as I'm too busy to correct, hope my comments amuse you as this is what I got from the movie.

Last Supper, Its a movie, watch it!

See liberal, murder, conservative, ego, satire


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