
What is Latvia?


My beautiful motherland, although I'm Russian. Loooove its luxurious, transparent pine woods, deep black forest lakes, white summer nights, beautiful, modern people, elegant and sophisticated capital Riga. It's a blessing, to visit Riga, where my Mom lives...!!! Latvia is a secret, magic place.


Latvia is a country in eastern europe bordering to Estonia, Lithuania, Belarussia and Russia.

It has 2.3 million inhabitants, where 1.6 million are Latvian and 600 000 Russians. About 500 000 Russians are without citizenship, since most of these do not want to learn Latvian, nor adapt to a new country with new rules.

Latvia has through history been annexed by numerous nations/states. Latvia claimed its first independence after the first world war (This was done without much sruggle, due to the collaps of Czar Russia).

In 1940 Latvia was seized by Soviet forces due to the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty, which theoretically was to divide Europe in half.

1941, Germany launched operation barbarossa and occupied Latvia. About 150 000 Latvians fought in the german army, most of who were forced into it. The Second World War ended and so did Latvia's independence.

It was not until 1989 that Baltic freedom movements stirred up, mainly due to the Gorbechev era and its implementation of Parestroika and Glasnost throughout the regime. Latvia together with Estonia and Lithuania reclaimed their independence 1991.

Even though the Baltic states were considered the most developed countries in the Soviet Union hard years were to come. Latvias BNP declined until 1994 when it started rising, and it has since grown at a rate of about 5-7% per year. Corruption was a much bigger problem then it is today, although it is far from gone. Salaries compared with Western Europe and the USA remain low, and it is estimated that Latvia will reach western standards 2020.

Tevzemei un Brivibai!

What country is between Lithuania and Estonia called?



Latvia is the most beautiful state in the world!!!!

Latvia is the best place on the earth, it is paradise!

See latvia, beautiful, paradise, the best, state, baltic, estonia, lithuania, riga


A country in Northern Europe, one of the Baltic States. Larger than most of the European countries. It borders Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and some Eastern European countries in the East. Also a member of the EUand NATO.

A place where untouched nature and vibrant urban environment perfectly blends together. Being the last European pagans, Latvians are proud of their ancient culture, including the native Latvian language - one of the oldest living languages in the world.

Latvia is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe with a high average income.

More than 60% of the population are ethnic Latvians, about 35% are Russian immigrants.

- Hi, Jānis, you are so smart and handsome. Where do you come from?


-Oh, that explains everything. Wanna have my slurpee?

See beautiful, europe, north, country, nature, riga, architecture, pagan, heritage, latvian, eu, nato, lakes, amber, beaches


Small country in Eastern Europe which poops on Russia all the time and Russia huffs and puffs only but cannot do anything about it.

Go Latvia!


one of the best Countries in Europe. Homeland of my Grandfather, and Heinz Erhardt, who is one of the greatest Comedians and MCs that Germany ever had.Period.

No zemes sis mes izangusi esam

Un saja zemegalvu noliksim.


The coolest country in the world next to the good ol USA

I would like to go visit Latvia


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