
What is Lawyer?


Someone who studies or practises Law, usually a member of the legal prfession as either a solicitor or barrister. very often the better lawyers are involved in fighting for Human Rights and Civil Liberties in courts and the academic kind often researches to find out what effects laws are having on real people.

Often insulted by people who don't know how hard work it is and how much the authorities and corporations would trample over their rights if lawyers and the law didn't exist.

"Look at that dead lawyer in Northern Ireland that was shot for supporting the wrong side, thank god there's one less of them!" - a stupid person


A student in the laws of a sovereign body. To become a lawyer one must study the basics of the law for a specified period than pass a difficult proficiency examination.

To me a lawyer is basically the person that knows the

rules of the country. We're all throwing the dice, playing the game, moving our

pieces around the board, but if there's a problem, the lawyer is the only person

that has read the inside of the top of the box. I think one of the fun things

for them is to say, "objection." "Objection! Objection, your Honor."

Objection, of course, is the adult version of, "Fraid not." To which the judge

can say two things, he can say, "overruled" which is the adult version of "Fraid

so," or he could say, "sustained," which is the adult version of "Duh."

- Jerry Seinfeld


A zealous advocate acting as an agent for a client. The duty to the client is a fiduciary duty, the highest duty the law can impose. As a result of this duty a lawyer is required to obtain extensive knowledge of the law along with a high level of legal research and analysis skills. Another result of the fiduciary duty is that the attorney must act in the client's best interest regardless of personal interests or moral objections. The lawyer must use any tool given by the law to ensure the most attractive outcome for the client, including technicalities and vague language.

Lawyers are often criticized for the duties they are bound to uphold. Lawyers are also criticized for following poorly written laws that they are bound to follow, created by the legislative branch of government, which represents the people.

Lawyers are the people's most important defense against governmental and private intrusions on personal and property rights.

Lawyers knowledge of the law makes abuse of their duties especially dangerous to a society that relies on them.

See lawyer, attorney, counselor, law, judge


A common mispelling of liar.

Thanks to his lawyer and huge pocket, the criminal continues to walk the streets.

See liar, lawyer, law, frivolous, filthy, thieves, money, screwed


A soon-to-be politician.



A person who knows about the law, the loopholes in the law, and the Constitution (the Constitution has no loopholes), and will use any and all of the above to get you out of whatever stupid ass mess that your stupid ass got you into. You will love this person, until you pay them, when you will hate them, but at least you will be out of jail, unless you lost. A lawyer typically is an unhappy looking nerd typing on a blackberry, unless they work for the government, in which case they are harder to pinpoint.

Marc: Look at that lawyer, he scares me shitless with his knowledge of the law and the Constitution

Anne: What are you talking about, lawyers are just like us

Marc: What are you, on drugs?

Anne: (Hours later, after coming off high) Yes, I was. The cops arrested me for possession. I have to call my lawyer now

See rich, money, filthy, wealth, rat


proffessional bullshit artist.

the lawyer lied......?

See lawyer, lier, trombone, law, fake


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