Layer Cake

What is Layer Cake?


Layer cake, A term describing the violent and dark layers of the organised crime world.

Welcome to the layer cake (the criminal world) - Quote taken from the brit gangster flick 'LAYER CAKE'


Noun. Phrase describing the dark layers of the London Underground Organised Crime scene. Derived from a Chocolate layer cake, emphasising the dark, criminal layers of the London mafia.

"Welcome to the Layer Cake, son" Layer Cake 2004 (Sony Pictures)

See mafia, gangster, london


The end result of a collection of persons defecating in the same toilet without flushing, or indeed putting the loo roll in said toilet, in which the effort of a group creates a fantastic art piece the family or indeed friends can enjoy.

Come on Jim squeeze 1 out, with your effort we'll have created the perfect layer cake!

See shit, poo, friends, turd


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