Layne Staley

What is Layne Staley?


Unlike a post a few up, Layne was one of the inventors of the Seattle Grunge rock sound, and one to get the least credit. Along with Mudhoney, solely invited the sound ripped by many grunge bands. Unlike the post a few up, an AMAZING song writer who brought us such songs as "Nutshell", "Down in A Hole", "Frogs", "Sea of Sorrow", and the list goes on. A much more emotional writer than Eddie Vedder EVER will be. Mixed emotion and grunge, but thankfully never did "emo" music.

Best singer, songwriter, and band.

See also Jerry Cantrelland lice in Chains

Layne Staley put a whole movement on the map.


his art is great, his music and words are inspirational. his voice so unique. His death a great loss and tragedy. He will be missed. Rest In Peace Layne Staley and THANK YOU

suffering to give

See jay


An amazing singer and songwriter. You can get lost in his voice and u can cry when u hear the lyrics. He is the lead singer of a wonderful band called Alice in chains. He has suffered from drug addiction most of his life and many of the songs he wrote were about his Struggling . He died from an O.D and was found on the couch 2 weeks later, when his body began to decompose. It's really sad that such talent has gone to waste but he will always be remembered by his fans and will always live through his music that will be there forever.

"Goin' down the steps on a white line

Straight to nowhere"

"Black is all I feel, so this is how it feels to be free"


A great vocalist. Was part of the band Alice in Chains. A great man.

Alice in Chains > Nirvana

Layne Staley > Kurt Cobain

Person 1: Man, turn that stuff up, time for some AiC!

Person 2: Hell yeah! Gotta love Layne Staley's vocals. They own Kurt's to the max.

See jerry cantrell, kurt cobain, heroin, dirt, BOFH


Layne Staley was the lead vocalist for the grunge-rock band Alice In Chains. He was also grunge-rock music's best vocalist EVER. Hands down. Kurt Cobain sucks compared to Layne. Layne died of overdosing on Herion and Cocaine in 2002. Layne Staley led a hard life, dealing with his parents' divorce, battling drug addiction and having to suffer through the death of his girlfriend, Demri Parrot. Rest in eternal peace, Layne. You are dearly missed, Layne, and will be remembered for a long, long time...

His wings no denied, Layne Staley died on April 5th, 2002. He will live forever in our memories.

Listen to Nutshell, Down In A Hole, and Sea Of Sorrow. Layne had one of the best voices in music history.


Layne Staley:1.Lead singer of grunge/heavy metal group Alice in Chains who tragically died of an overdose of heroin in a state of self-isolation at the age of 34. 2.The one individual I have and will continue to be influenced,forever touched by,and will mourn and celebrate each day for the rest of my life despite the fact that my full discovery of him occurred after his death.3.The most amazing and haunting voice in rock history.

Layne Staley will live in my heart forever...

See amazing, haunting, mourn


Frontman for grunge band 'Alice in Chains'. He had a mesmerising voice and a troubled life. He died on April 5th 2002 in the worst way possible. He had taken a mixture of cocaine and heroin known as a 'speedball' and overdosed on it. The creepy thing was that his body was found two weeks after he had actually died. This is why you don't do drugs, kids!

Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley both died on the same day (April 5th) and they were both heroin addicts. Is there some kind of connection here?

I love Layne's voice on 'Down in a Hole'. It's hauntingly beautiful.

See speedball, kurt cobain, overdose, drugs


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