
What is Lazyness?


Lazyness - See lazy and laziness. Lazyness is the state of being lazy. Lazyness is usually used by people who are too lazy to subsitiute the y for an i. Lazy-"ness" people can also be people who have conflicting lazy attributes.

For exmaple:

20:53 <Alsark> I have heard of action points. I participate in a campaign where those are used. As for crafting points... never heard of them and I'm too lazy to click the link.

A normal person would not Type up 3 sentences in one message telling someone basically:

I don't know.

I don't want to click the link.

He has put effort into his message, but yet... he is too lazy to actually click the link offered.

Alsark's lazyness contridicts his attributes.

See lazy, laziness, lazyness, fat, couch, potato


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