What is Lbh?
-Short for "Loser Back Home".
-Refers to expatriates (Usually hailing from North America or Europe)with low standards who create a completely different persona in their new country to cover for the fact that they are seen as complete douchebags back home.
-A characteristic LBH wears khaki pants/shorts, sandals with socks, and wife beaters. Sometimes they may wear sunglasses atop theirs heads, but never in the proper position.
-The LBH are increasing in number in many Asian countries, specifically Japan and China.
-They usually prey on Asian girls with low self esteem to compensate for never getting laid back in their home countries.
Native: Look at that LBH, trying to take all of our women...
Expat with sense: I'm ashamed for all Westerners...
Legit Bare/Bear Hands. Having bare hands while making a claw hand, or having actual hollowed out bear hands on. Also a reference to the movie Swingers.
Did you see John? That dude has LBH.
(let's be honest) term used to put emphasis or great importance on whatever you are saying at that particular moment. usually the statement it is used in conjunction with is farely accurate and anyone that doesn't listen should be bitch slapped.
LBH, Michael Mcclintock, you heart FUPAS.
Loser Back Home
A Guy who can't get a girlfriend so he goes overseas and gets an ugly girl, he then brings her home and lets everyone know how proud he is of himself.
Typically white guys and asian girls
Tony's girlfriend is such a butterface and he is such an lbh.
Little Boy Haircut; similar to the bowl cut
He won't come to school cause of that LBH his mom made him get.