
What is Ldn?


LDN is Short For London.

Representing LDN. The capital of the world


london in the uk a term normally used by uk garage artists to show where they are reppin'

in dizzee rascals song dream he mentiond LDN

"im from do LDN dont keep forgeting that, and the big UK i stay reppin' at"


Tha gangstaz way of sayin london. Big up norf, dnt no bout edmonton

Im frm 'Ldn' get meh


1 - ldn - short for london, found on caps or t-shirts

2 -ldn - sometimes people pronouce L.D.N. short for london

3 - ldn - lewis david north - a legend (see legend for the definition of legend)

1 - ' iam going down to the ldn this weekend '

2 - 'ldn, "what?"...london '

3 - ' ldn is blazin the lyrics '

See london, ldn, boy


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