What is Leaper?
Arch. (early hippie): A mild amphetamine pill, usually pink, heart-shaped Dexadrine tablets.
Jasper had been eating leapers for three days to cram for his mid-terms.
A person who commits suicide by jumping from a great height. Mostly used by cops, EMS personnel and crime reporters.
The leaper had jumped from the 23rd floor of the Hyatt Regency's atrium, landing on the piano bar.
A leaper is a person who has a lot of friends but no close or best friends. You usually see them at lunch going from table to table sitting only minutes at a time with each group of friends. Leapers can be popular nerds.
She's such a leaper, I never see her with only one friend.
A devoted fan of the science fiction television show Quantum Leap.
Jon is a big Leaper.