What is Leave Me In Your Mother Re-definition?


This expression comes from Hebrew. Although it sounds very crude in English, it's not supposed to be. the expression "in your mother" (be-ima shkha, in Hebrew) means "please, common!(expressed as an "unpatient" tone" (it is also used when someone tells you something great( E.x:In your mother). It's a short for "do you swear in your mother?"). So this means that "leave me in your mother" means "leave me please = Common, please, leave me".

The meaning might be more accuratly defined as an equal to as "leave me no way" but is basically meant as an answer to something that is not logical.

The expression is used as following:

1) when someone talks to you but you have no patienece to listen for a reason.

2) when someone tells you an idea, which you try to talk him out of it.

Someone: Hey, c'mon, let's have another game!

You: Ohh... leave me in your mother...


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