
What is Leb?


people who only fight when they call their cousins or friends

you can fight a leb by himself and win but watch out if he gets his phone out

how do you win a fight witha leb? take out his sim card

See shh


Also a Canadian term, shortened form of 'Lebanese'. Can be considered derogatory, possibly similar to 'jap'.

In the derogatory sense, it is used to refer to the stereotypical Lebanese male of highschool age - one who is often seen wearing the latest, most expensive fashion trend. The stereotype also has extremely gelled, spiked hair, and drives a 'trendy' import car (eg. 240sx, civic). The stereotypical Leb is quick to anger and to provoke arguments, will engage in physical confrontation provided he has numerous friends in close vicinity, and will stop at nothing to shift blame.

Leb: Yo cousin, check out my new ride. Wullah it has vtec.

Guy: That's a shopping cart.

Leb: Sharmoota!

See racist, stereotype, lebanese, arab, lebs, smokewrench


Usually seen around the sydney area of lakemba, auburn, bankstown etc

Walk in groups and death stare the innocent but when a larger group walks by they would put their heads down.

fights in packs and never alone due to their inbread family connections.

Usually when there is a group of 5 or so lebs and are confronted by an azn with a baseball bat they run because they are a bunch of pansies that will only retaliate if they overpower the enemy by 20/1

leb: hit him bro cummon its only one of him

leb2: nah habib he has a bat

leb: dw we got 5 people!

leb2: but im scared

leb: okay lets just run

Leb families usually consist of more than 10+ children which most of them have really bad BO, when you get onto a train with them you can literally suffercate in worse case scenarios.

They usually wear athletic looking clothes like tommy hilfiger, addidas, nike and wear baseball caps. Yet 80% of them are fat, obese, ugly and their body hair is similiar to a gorillas anus.

leb: oh mah goddddd look at that ugly aussie mut (while walking with a group)

leb2: haha did you see him ? he was scared shitless of us habibiii

( larger group of azns walk past )

leb: dont look cuz dont look just keep walking

leb2: omg i think i just shit myself

azns: bunch of fags

See leb, lebo, habib, ugly, gorilla


Leb- Meaning peice of shit, goof, rat and slime bucket. Basically travel in groups of 4 - 12 because they are afraid if alone that an anglo can break their legs. Keep all of your money in your wallet because if you dont they are liable to try and beat you for it with 30 of their cousins. They are known for wearing HiKarate cologne and Axe deodarent in large quantaties. they slick their hair back with the used Oil from their honda civics.

a person with bad teeth and hair usually related to a pig


Leb n. 1. An abbreviated name used colloquially for people from Lebanon or of Lebanese extraction, 2. A derogatory name given to people of Lebanese extraction who are immigrants to or children of Lebanese immigrants in Australia and who conduct themselves in a manner conspicuously anti-social and who are commonly associated with bad taste. Broadly, they are people of Middle-Eastern appearance who usually have an Islamic upbringing, have a chip on their shoulder and who feel bigotry is their prerogative. Lebs usually conduct themselves in groups and work to intimidate others. In Australia, the term "Leb" connotes criminal, thief, geek, coward, racist, thug, one with a lack of culture, one with a lack of education, one who practices intimidation when in a group with other Lebs or with a weapon or when concealed, and someone who discriminates against Australians (non-Lebanese). The term "Leb" has been acquired as a descriptor by the broader community of people of Lebanese extraction and the like after a reputation was earned in the community, notably in Sydney, over a number of years as the sub-group became distinguished by gang-bashings, car-theft and car re-birthing, gun crime, and in particular gang rapes (See: Bilal Skaf) and the Revenge Attacks of December 2005 in connection with the Cronulla Riot. The announcement by the Head of Islam in Australia who led the Lebanese Muslim community that it was okay for Muslim men to rape non-Muslim women in his infamous "Catsmeat" sermon also did much to cement the perception that Lebs were a dysfunctional sub-group within the Australian multicultural mix.

ex 1.

A: Where is he from?

B: His parents are from Lebanon, so he must be a Leb.

ex 2. In Australia, although society works hard to stop the classification, the lowest standing of any group belongs to Lebs.

See leb, lebs, lebanon, bigot, bigotry, thief, coward, geek, racist, thug, lack, anti-social, dysfunctional, islam, muslim, chip, intimidation, gang, group, rape, gun, crime, bashing, multicultural, Hannibal Barca


Lebs consider themselves elite, can't spell for one, and think that carrying a gun is a skill*flash back* lebs vs azn in liverpool, fifteen lebs come with baseball bats, chains and turbo charged shit box 2000, 5 minutes later two azns arrive with a hand gun...and of course being pussy whipped they run home to have another family reunion so they can make out with their cousins, sisters, mums, and do all other bisexual activities with their relatives, the only "underworld" about lebs is that they can even get up and put on their pants every morning, true popular leb figures are....(there are none), or maybe that guy posing as that gay teletubbie, and that lebo wiggle. Money can't be illegal, its called counterfeit dumbshit, and the only reason lebs are in gangs is because they are the lowest pathetic creatures, and can't get a job and their income comes from selling "sim cards" aka to lebs as "illegal drugs"

policeman-"hey look! theres a car full of lebs, lets pull them over"

.......... that's leb-tastic!


Short for Lebanese.

Any Lebanese migrant is a leb or lebo. The lebs from the Lakemba area of Sydney are muslim refugees from their civil war.

Leb children born in Australia are now aged up to 30. these lebs are particularly dangerous from the age of 16. They posess an evil gene which causes them to hunt white girls, then gang rape them.

Lebs are normally found in McDonald's car park in packs of 5 or more, they also can be found in large packs at free entry strip clubs. Often lebs will drive around town repeatedly in a defective 4 cylinder Japanese car. Windows are always down emiting loud bass drum sounds.

Lebs are easy to recognise. Generally they wear expensive looking clothes and jewellery. Hair style is normally spike and mullet with shaved pattern in the sides. Facial hair varies a lot, often a thin line down each cheek. Monobrow shaved or waxed in the centre. Very strong repulsive cologne.

A single leb is harmless and a coward who will not fight. But like rats they have strength in numbers. A threatened leb can quickly summon more lebs to help bash an Aussie who looks at them sideways.

Beware the mobile phone, the leb's most powerful tool. If you accidently startle a leb and he reaches for the mobile, you must destroy the phone immediately, thus rendering the leb harmless.

"you shouldn't catch the train at night. You may get rolled by a pack of filthy lebs."

"That dirty leb wasn't so tuff without all his mates to back him up."

See lebo, lebs, lebanese, terrorist, muslim


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