
What is Legit?



Meaning: Not fake or Real(Cool).

a. "I swear this watch is legit ......... O.K fine, you can have it for $15."

b. "That new speaker setup he's got is fully legit and shit."

See Diego


1. (adj.) A modern synonym for words such as "cool," "ill," "tight," or "dope." Used to describe a noun that is of a particularly excellent quality. The slang use of this term is slowly but steadily increasing in popularity.

2. (adj.) Authentic. see legitimate.

1. Damn, who made this beat? DJ Premier? This shit is legit!

2. I fucking told you those Bapes weren't legit. There goes $180.

See cool, tight, dope, ill, sweet


for real, truthful

I got a 3.7 last quarter! that's legit!

that Jimmy shirt is totally legit!


Short for legitimate; real; not false.

A] "I told you this Rolex is legit, you don't have to look twice."

B) "I swear this information I got for you is legit man, ask anyone!"

C) "If that ain't legit, I don't know what is.

See ligit, legite


one-hundred percent NOT bullshit!

legit man, i saw what happened.

See bullshit, one, sincerity, legit, like


Meaning cool,amazing,tight,awesome.. or anyother work you might use when somthing it outstanding

Man... That is so legit!


this word was obviously a short form of "legitimate" but it no longer holds the same meaning as legitimate, since it has become very popular to use the word legit to mean something "cool", which really has nothing to do with the word legitimate and therefore we should stop saying it.

"Wow Kelly's shoes are legit"

See legit, seriously, real, authentic, original


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