
What is Legs?


the hottest part of a women

damn, did you see those HOT legs on that women!


An asset a woman has, that go all the way up and make a perfect ass out of themselves!

That woman is 6'0" tall and has the nices set of legs I've ever seen!

See Legs


A)walking impliments

B)dangerous limbs

C)foot holders

I have 2 legs from my waist to the ground and when i move them i walk around and when i lift them i climb the stairs and when i shave them they ain't got hairs


One of many features that a woman has

Did you see those legs on that chick


1)Sexiest part of a woman's body

2)A member of F.L.A.B.F(ace)L(egs)A(ss Hair)B(oobs)

Possible the coolest member!

1)"Damn look at the legs on that chick"

2)Casey has the longest legs I've ever seen that's why we call her legs

See ass hair, boobs, face, flab, sexy, casey


This is used during a test. You write out some study notes and you bring them to the test. Just before the test is handed out, you sit on it!! but you must leave room to see the notes. It works like this: when the teacher is attending to another person or looking away, you open your legs and find then answer. When the teacher walks past, you simply close your legs and unless she has x-ray vision (which some teachers do) then you have gotten away with cheating!! pretty champion hey

You bring legs today??

See skeet, f'n'd, butt, mouth, skeet rash, lie to kick it


Used as a slang term by airborn members of the United States Army to playfully describe non-airborn members.

See dirt dart, as it is the expression used in the same military branch with reverse definition.

"My buddy will be deploying with us, although he's one of that maintenance unit's legs."


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