What is Lesbian Dragon Buttsex?


This term first originated on a private World of WarcraftRP server when it got messed over and stupid people got to play Dragons. There were some ERPfreaks amongst them and basically all they did was have crazy lesbian dragon buttsex, even though some of them had other duties such as GMing. When the original server went down the biggest lesbian dragon buttsexer even made his own server to have lots of lesbian dragon buttsex all over the place.

"That server is full of lesbian dragon buttsex"


This term first originated on a World of Warcraft private roleplay server when roleplaying dragons became the new 'in'. A lot of people chose to use these dragons not for innovative roleplay, but to get their rocks off with their ubar hawt scalies. This was taken even further by the fact that many of these people had lesbian homosexualrelationships with these dragon characters, even if they had other duties (such as administrating the server). When that server went down, the biggest lesbian dragon buttsexer even made his own server to have lots of lesbian dragon buttsex all over the place. The term now applies to any type of silly ERPin any roleplay server, including- but not limited to: Random dragoncharacters, random lesbianism/gayism, and an over-active sex-drive on powerful wizards and warriors.

"Dude, that server is full of Lesbian Dragon Buttsex."

"Those guys are probably Lesbian Dragon Buttsexing over there."


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