
What is Lesmullet?



-Noun, singlular (plur: lesmullets)

1. Although similar in appearance to the femmullet the lesmullet is found on lesbians. Its anatomy consists of two commonly known parts; the business(the clean cut uppermost part of the lesmullet that rests on the top of the head) and the party (The long, flowing, possibly curly, locks that hang down in only the back. This "party" Can range from neck length-butt length.)

Note: To the inexperienced eye, women sporting this hairstyle may be confused for creepy men, however one can differentiate between the two by noticing several aspects of the physical body:


molester mustache (or lack there of)

color of fanny pack (not the most reliable)

"My my barbara-jean, your femmullet is looking quite white trash today."

"Why thank you Chuck, but i must correct you. I do not have a femmullet, i am sporting a lesmullet."

See mullet, white-trash, lesbian, butch, fanny pack


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