What is Let Freedom Ring From Stone Mountain Of Georgia.?

See martin, luther, king, jr, mlk


A great civil rights leader who has been honored by having a day that nobody remembers and a street in the ghetto that is very dangerous.

Friend: Yo, guess what I learned about Martin Luther King today!

Ignant Nigguh: Who dat?

See great, civil rights, martin luther king jr


The modern day jesus. He died so kids could have no school for a day.

If it werent for Martin Luther King then I would have had to take my math test earlier

See jesus, black, dude, lutheran


A rhyming slang associated with jewlery or "bling"

#1. Mr T is drowning in Martin

#2. He'll never get through the airport with Martin Luther King!

See martin, luther, king, martin luther, hero, inspiration, leader, revolutionary


Expression of frustration, surprise, anger or pain. Similar to Jesus Christ. Often modified with a "fucking" between any or all of the words.

1) Martin Luther King, that's hot!

2) Martin-fucking-Luther King!

See martin luther king jr, jesus christ, civil rights, leader, mlk


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