What is Let's Give'em A State!?


A sarcastic show of support for Palestinian national aspirations, frequently shouted in blog comments whenever Palestinian leaders, or militants, do something that reveals themselves to be incapable of, or unworthy of, independent self-governance.

Civilized Human #1: "Did you hear that a punk-ass group of Hezbollah terrorists got into a turf war with a punk-ass group of Fatah terrorists? Hezbollah muscled Fatah out of Gaza, and the whole place has become a crap hole on their watch."

Civilized Human #2: "Let's give'em a state!"

See paleostinian, palesimian, retard picnic, stupidfada, car swarm, koranimal, splodydopes, splodeydope, ropma, sjs, islamotard, islamofascists, terrorist voting, misogynist


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