Level 5 Vegan

What is Level 5 Vegan?


A vegan who won't eat anything that casts a shadow.

As used on the Simpsons episode "Lisa the Tree Hugger", animal/enviornmental rights activist, Jesse tells Lisa that he is a level 5 vegan, who wont eat anything that casts a shadow. Such thing doesn't exist, mind you.

Lisa: Oh, the earth is the best! That's why I'm a vegetarian.

Jesse: Heh. Well, that's a start.

Lisa: Uh, well, I was thinking of going vegan.

Jesse: I'm a level 5 vegan -- I won't eat anything that casts a shadow.

See vegan, tree hugger, hippie, animal lover


A vegan who won't eat anything that casts a shadow.

From the Simpsons.


Level Five vegan is the eating all non-vegans. See cannibalism.

David had to go Level 5 vegan after his coworker started eating baby pygmy goats.

See vegan, vegetarian, cannibalism, omnivore, carnivore, micha


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