
What is Lewbear?


A freakishly tall, unfairly thin raver, who reproduces by budding.

Is known to dwell in Millets, and has been seen playing cards, and looking rapey.

Can be seen from afar by its jew-nose.

"Theres a freakishly tall, unfairly thin budding raver coming out of Millets, holding cards and looking rapey behind its jew-nose - is that a LewBear?"


See lew, lewis, lewbear, bear, jew, nose, cards, rapey, tall, thin, rave, raver, budding, LewBear


Put on females skinnies and go public places.

"My God, he looks amazing!"

"I know; dont you just hate it when other people can LewBear better than you?"

See bear, skinnys, skinnies, lew, lewis


A freakishly tall, unfairly thin raver, who reproduces by budding.

Is known to dwell in Millets, and has been seen playing cards, and looking rapey.

Can be seen from afar by its jew-nose.

"Theres a freakishly tall, unfairly thin budding raver coming out of Millets, holding cards and looking rapey behind its jew-nose - is that a LewBear?"


See lew, lewis, lewbear, bear, jew, nose, cards, rapey, tall, thin, rave, raver, budding, LewBear


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