Lexington, Ma

What is Lexington, Ma?


To most, Lexington, Massachusetts is the historical town that is the home of the Revolutionary War. To those who live there it is the snobby suburban town that their parents moved out to from Boston in attempt to raise their children with the best public education possible in a nice quaint suburb...But in turn, these parents populated a magical place full of booze, hot drunk girls, lushes, weirdo liberal freaks that over populate lexington high school, stoners, ignorant moronic cops, destructive house parties, even more destructive woods parties, BMWs, hair salons, bagel shops, and obnoxious overprivledged children hell bent on pre-college destruction. A truly delightful place to reside.

Lexingon, Massachusetts: overpriveldging and spoiling it's abercrombie wearing teenagers one liberal at a time.

"Lexington Barbie : This trendy homemaker Barbie is available with your choice of Lexus SUV or Ford Windstar minivan. She gets lost easily and has no full time occupation or secondary education. Traffic jamming cell phone sold separately. Optional matching gym outfit."

See lex vegas


Suburb outside of Boston known for its Revolutionary war history. Huge property values are reflected in the supposed quality of the public schools, which are in turn a breeding ground for the apathetic and dissilusioned youth of a rich town who have nothing to do but smoke pot, get drunk, and fuck up in school.

Some kid from Lexington is probably getting high right now on ye olde belfry.


A relatively pleasant suburb outside Boston, MA. The majority of its residents use better spelling and grammar than the authors of the posts above. Most of us are not unintelligent douchebags.

Dissillusioned, overpriveldging, slutty at times but devilish at times, there is truly Hundreds of LHS students, etc. are not terms/phrases frequently used by people who actually live in Lexington, Ma.

See lexington, lex, lexington ma, lex vegas, lexie


On the outside Lexington, Ma is a beautiful place to inhabit with beautiful structures and historical sites. But to those who live here and have heard the real story, behind the Paul Revere Statue there is truly Hundreds of LHS students waiting to screw up...

During the day LHS students with there uggs, designer bags, northfaces, and ridiculous seven jeans walk around with there fake little attitudes. Where girls hobbies include shatting on everyone around them and causing as much drama as humanly possible. The boys usually trying to get as much dome as they can from the most girls they can before there four years are done. Weekends include massive and damaging house parties normally over populated by hot drunk girls and high horny boys just waiting to let some of there natural urges free. The normal Lexington Student is overwhelmed with stress brought on by teachers, other competitive students, coachs, and parents. They half ass there way through school but always tend to get into good colleges because of where they live.

Lexington, Ma Boy: Plays sports Hard. PARTIES HARDER. Leds on about 5 girls at the same time and is never interested in a relationship, only getting massive amounts of ass.

Lexington, Ma Girl: Ugg, Polo, North Face, Abercrombie Wearing teen with a perfect flip of a hairdo and painted nails to perfection. Big Boobs, middle length hair, and BMW's. Normally a Light Weight but always over goes capacity. Slutty at times but devilish inside.

See lexvegas, ma, ltown, lextown


A wealthy suburb of Boston with loads of Jewish people and Asians. There are also a good number of Indians. Lexington High is nasty at finesse-type sports like soccer and play a finesse game in lacrosse, but aren't very successful in football or wrestling.

People from my town think lexington, ma is 100% Asian

See lexington, asians, jews, finesse, pretentious, annoying


It is true that Lexington is a town with many spoiled, drug and alcohol ingesting, idle teenagers, but it is also a breeding ground for creativity, dissent, and intellectual development. In the classroom, achievement-based curriculums leave students with skills to work hard, but with very little substantial knowledge. Thus, a significant (but still unfortunately small) group of students choose to be productive outside the classroom, pursuing musical, artistic, literary, and scientific endeavors independantly.

It is in the opinion of this contributor that the other entries on this page are biased. Although many lexington students are Abercrombie-wearing, Bud Light-ingesting, marijuana-smoking losers with rich parents, there are many types of youth in Lexington. There are the ones described above, there are over-achievers, there are heroin addicts, there are trippers who think they can buy peace, love, understanding, and the secrets of the universe for 3 bucks a hit, there are speed addicts trying to save their academic careers by shoving powder up their noses, and there are regular people who just want to get out of suburbia and go to college to make a life for themselves.

Just like anywhere else, Lexington is an incredibly diverse town that DOES have a great school system and unfortunately has a SMALL number of dissilussioned or naive, immature youth who think that they have to drink and party and fuck to have a good time. Most of us want to be cool and get out.

Lexington, MA is filled with a variety of youth. See above for examples.

See lexington, drugs, high school, youth, achievement


The best town in New England; The best public school system. The Center Of Lexington rocks.(and has the best ice cream)

My friend is from Lexington, Ma, and she is so cool.

See lexington, coolness, school


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