
What is Libbo?


Noun: USMC slang for liberty, which is any time you have off of duty or away from work.

DUDE: Where you going on libbo man?

HOMIE: I'm picking up ole rottencrotch and headin to TJ Dude.

DUDE: Cool beans man, can me and the skank catch a ride?

HOMIE: Sure Dude, but you're buying the gas.

DUDE: Not a problem.

See usmc, tj, chicklets, tequila, mp, crabs, donkey show, mexican federales, jailbait, palm springs, cleveland steamer, leg sequence, wm, road head, chuck norris, popo, milf, spocker, cholo hat-trick, snarf, cash money, tranny surprise, old balls


Can be anyone by the name of "Libby" or someone who has poofy hair. Both is preferable.

It is not an alternate word for lesbo.

"Libbo's poof was all up in my grill."

See libby, libbo, poof, poofy, libo


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