Liberal Fascism

What is Liberal Fascism?


A term, that contrary to popular belief did not originate from Jonah Goldberg, but from author H.G. Wells.

In a speech to the Young Liberals at Oxford in July 1932, Wells called for progressives to become 'Liberal Fascists' or 'Enlightened Nazis.'

Wells though that a new world order was the solution, a liberal boils down to: the state is the solution.

See facism, liberal, conservative, facist, fascist


Notice how the emotional and irrational liberal entry gets more thumbs up and the more factual entry got more thumbs down. That's because most people go along with the fascist liberal politically correct crowd because they have been brainwashed to.

That my friends is Liberal Fascism !

See hollywood


1)A Illogical word created by Right-Wingers in an attempt to cover-up Fascism's Right-wing roots.

2)Also the title of a illogical book that makes a poor attempt to connect liberalism to Fascism.

3)A word that would make a person with the most basic knowledge of Politics laugh at you.

Liberal Fascism is a failed attempt to demonize a ideology that Democracy was founded on.

Liberal Fascism is a failed attempt to demonize a ideology that Democracy was founded on

See liberal, conservative, freedom, slander, bullshit


1)A Illogical word created by Right-Wingers in an attempt to cover-up Fascism's Right-wing roots.

2)Also the title of a illogical book that makes a poor attempt to connect liberalism to Fascism.

3)A popular word within the Conservative Hate culture

4)A word that would make a person with the most basic knowledge of Politics laugh at you.

Liberal Fascism is a failed attempt to demonize a ideology that Democracy was founded on.

See fail, protest warrior, wingnut, illogical, radcon, liberal, liberalism, fox news, American_Patriot


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