What is Libyans!?
1) Phrase to be spoken in a loud voice anytime one spots a Volkswagon micro bus. Referance to 'Back to the Future' when Marty and Doc are attacked by a Volkswagon bus full of pissed-off Libyans with automatic weapons. (Doc had used the Plutonium they had given him to build a bomb to power his Delorian. He gave them back a bomb casing full of pinball parts)
No further notice is to be taken of the vehicle UNLESS it actualy filled with gun toting arabs, or if it has Libyan licence plates, or a bumper sticker stating 'My kid is an honor roll student at Tripoli Highschool'
2) Libyans have vast quantites of oil & plutonium. UN sanctions were lifted and in December 2003 Lybia announced that it would abandon programs to build weapons of mass destruction. They were also responsible for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland.
1) LIBYANS!!!!
2) shifty arabs