What is Lickalotapus Or Likalotapus?


Lickalotapus is the first, and last, in the genus Lickalopedia: lesbian dinosaurs. They were the first and last because, typically lesbians don't reproduce.

The term has become a slang term for lesbians, due to the sexual tendency of female homosexuals to satisfy one another through oral sex.

Pronunciation (lick - a - lot - o' - puss)

Lickalotapus or Likalotapus

What do you call a female dinosaur? A Lickalotapus, of course

Check out that chick with the buzz cut! Oh, she's a lickalotapus.

See lesbian, dinosaur, pie, pussy, vagina, eat, taco, snatch, dyke, carpet, muncher, lezbo, bean, allergic to nuts, choad, snigger, lick, poon, poontang


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