
What is Licked?


to be very drunk or heavily under the infulence of drugs

"I'm fucking licked mate"

See para, fucked, out of it, cained, pissed


when you or someone you are talking to/ about is drunk or high, or they look drunk or high, it is known as looking or being licked!

feeling all licked

surrrr bruv you look alll licked

letz get licked

See drunk, high, phat, licked


To steal something of someone

i just licked your 10 bucks

See steal, lick, thieve, dandenong, hot


Say this word when you just licked something using your tongue.

A guy just licked a paper.

Guy: Licked!

See lick, licked, tongue, paper, word


to get robbed by som mu fuckas

yo dat cracka ass mufcka had a fatass wad on him and i told u i bout to hit a lick, so i scraped and licked that basketball eatin walrus ass mu fucka

See lick, scrape, rob, whaletits


A HUGE hit in football.

Man, that receiver just got licked by that safety!

See hit, jacked, blown up, lit up


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