What is Lickies?
Licking someone's (eg. your girlfriend) face (or other bodypart) in a crazy but cute manner.
"Oh no way man! Not the lickies man!" (Said in a mad, high pitched voice. Yes, we do this. We are geeeeeey!)
To put something against your tongue or mouth after someone else has already done so. Using the term is often followed by uncontrollable laughter.
“I was going to drink from that glass but John already did, and I don’t want to have lickies with him”
The left over food on a plate or bowl given to the family pet to clean up.
"Come here Toonses, there's meat and gravy lickies left on my plate."
to have a group of 4 or more and all kiss at once while rubbing each other's tounges against another
Me, Maia, Steph, and Kenny are all going to do some Lickies sometime soon.
a damned bunch of stupid fools who have a rich, unique and wacked out personalities.
what the fuck is wrong with those Lickies????